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Europe, Quo Vadis?

EU reform, Conference on the Future of Europe

The corona crisis has severely slowed down the momentum in the developing debate on EU reform. The "Conference on the Future of Europe" had to be postponed. The corona crisis is basically managed by the nation states. But “Europa” must take the bull by the horns! Otherwise she will mummify like an aging diva in the back rooms of power.

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Citizen convention |

Shared Post: Citizens Take Over Europe!

EU reform

Civil Society Organizations kick off a Citizens’ Conference on the Future of Europe. - This year’s Europe Day, the 9th of May, is marked by the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, by the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2 and by the terrible Covid-19 pandemia. At a turning point for Europe, civil society organisations across the Union are taking the lead to organise a citizen-led Conference on the Future of Europe, and send out a message of solidarity, cooperation and democracy.

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Parliament |

Towards The Conference On The Future Of The EU

EU reform, Lack of democracy, Lead candidates

On 15th January the European Parliament adopted a "Resolution on the Conference on the Future of Europe". In it the Parliament describes its ideas on the scope, concept, structure, procedure and timetable of this conference, which was convened by the new Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. These proposals are, in terms of scope, differentiation, transparency and participation requirements, among the best ever decided by an EU institution. One might almost say that if even a fraction of them were to be implemented, it would be a giant step forward in the culture of participation at EU level. Moreover, these proposals also set standards for the participation culture in those member…

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Other |

Switzerland's Concordance Democracy and the Possible Application for the EU Commission

Lead candidates, EU reform, Lack of democracy

Switzerland has no government in the usual sense to steer the country in one direction or the other. That's why Nassim Taleb says it doesn't have a government, but a "non-government". The executive branch is headed by a seven-member board of directors, the so-called "Federal Council", which is composed of all major parties in a non-partisan manner, and which decides by consensus. It adopts ordinances to which it is authorised by law, submits the financial plan (budget), implements laws and court rulings, administers the budget and represents Switzerland in external relations.

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Other |

Brexit is changing Europe - already

Brexit, Election 2019, EU reform

When is Brexit coming? This month, next month, next year - or not at all? Our WG Europe spokesman Stefan Padberg claims that: "It's already here! The Brexit referendum of June 2016 has already profoundly changed our perception of Europe. And Brexit has lost its charme.“

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